Urgent. Derby Theatre looking for teens to help research and develop new play.

Derby Theatre looking to talk to a range of teenagers from the region to help with research and development of new play.

The Abi Research Discussion will also involve Atiha Sen Gupta, the playwright; Sarah Brigham, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Derby Theatre, and Director of the play; plus other staff from Derby Theatre, and will take place at the Theatre on Thursday 8 March at 4.45pm.

For an exciting new professional production called Abi, which will feature in their autumn 2018 season, Derby Theatre are keen to talk to a range of young people from the region (around the age of 15) about the themes of the play, as well as to understand what personally excites them about the world they live in, and what they think needs to change.

The central character in Abi is Abisheera, who has recently lost her Gran. As she starts to sort out her Gran’s house, she tells us what she thinks about the world.

In line with Abi and its related themes, the Theatre are interested in talking with a mixed group of young people, from all backgrounds and ethnicities, in particular young Asian people. Although the central character is female, we welcome interest in the discussion from males and females. We would like to speak with a group of young people for about an hour, and would like to discuss a range of topics including: what excites them about being a young person, what do they find difficult about being a young person?, how they believe males and females differ, their thoughts on the #metoo campaign, their thoughts and feelings about social media, what works and what doesn’t; what they think about Brexit, what are their beliefs and thoughts on mixed race relationships, plus a range of other topics affecting young people.

Caroline Barth (Creative Learning Director, Derby Theatre) said: “This is a great opportunity for Derby Theatre to really understand local young people’s thoughts and opinions and use them to inform an exciting piece of new writing for our main stage.”

If you are interested in taking part… If you are 15 years old (or between the ages of 13 and 17), and interested in being involved, please book a space onto the Abi Research Discussion by calling the Box Office on 01332 593939 or booking online at http://www.derbytheatre.co.uk. Please let us know if you have any access requirements when/if booking a slot. There is no fee for being involved, but refreshments will be provided on the day, as well as an invite to see the production in the autumn.

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