Review: Cockfight. Nottingham Playhouse. 24th and 25th October.

The Farm’s dance/physical – theatre work Cockfight is a ‘must see’ two male performer dance work where superb modern dance meets danger full on, makes you laugh out loud, surprises and touches with its grace. East Midlands Theatre promoted the exciting seventy minute show a short while ago but seeing it in the flesh makes us want to shout to the rooftops “Please please please go see it! It is exciting and bold and quite simply bloody good.” It’s themes are masculine identity and the old defending their territory over the young. Cockfight is set in an office space and the space is used with dynamism and top class clowning invention.

Cockfight is on at Nottingham Playhouse for two nights only and one of them is already over. The remaining date is the 25th October. As one’s mother may well have warned “Don’t come moaning to us when you have missed it.”

The Cockfight dancers are Joshua Thomson and Gavin Webber. Thomson is a director, dancer, choreographer and the current co-artistic director of Sydney physical theatre company Legs On The Wall. He has worked internationally and his work as a director and dancer spans dynamic physical innovation. Gavin Webber is co-artistic director of The Farm, a company based on the Gold Coast Queensland. Webber has won numerous dance awards worldwide and throughout his career he has worked between Australia and Europe and directed theatre, dance, circus and installations. The directors for the piece are Kate Harman, Julian Louis, Joshua Thomson and Gavin Webber.

We wouldn’t be lucky enough to see the amazing Cockfight without the support of DTP (Dance Touring Partnership). DTP is a galvanizing network of theatres working together to bring thrilling and engaging dance to audiences around the UK. Laudably, they also aim to build audiences for dance, increase the range and diversity of dance work available and encourage new attenders into dance.

Nottingham Playhouse box office 0115 941 9419

Reviewer: Phil Lowe

The Cockfight tour concludes on 27th October at Jerwood Dance House. Ipswich.

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